(Nie) obecni rodzice w terapii logopedycznej dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym


  • Aneta Anita Famuła-Jurczak Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

Słowa kluczowe:

speech development, speech impediments, speech therapy prophylaxis, cooperation


Communication is one of the most important areas generating a child’s social functioning. Disturbed communication and speech impediments can directly influence the formation of a child’s self-awareness and self-esteem. Parents are undoubtedly responsible for the development of a child and its proper functioning. The article discusses the role of parents in stimulating the child’s speech development as well as preventing speech irregularities. It deals with the issues of parents’ knowledge about speech therapy. The author presented the stages of the child’s speech development and against this background pointed to any irregularities that may appear. An important advantage of the text is the importance of early intervention in the development of speech. Focusing on the parents’ knowledge of speech therapy is important due to the fact that it is the family that is the primary place where the child learns to speak and it supports the child’s speech development through its influence. As numerous studies of environmental neglect show, it can have a huge impact on the shape of a child’s speech. Looking ahead, we can say that any speech disorders can have a direct impact on the children’s educational, professional and, above all, life successes



Jak cytować

Anita Famuła-Jurczak, A. (2021). (Nie) obecni rodzice w terapii logopedycznej dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Paedagogica, 13, 138–147. Pobrano z https://studiapaedagogica.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/8578


